Thursday, January 19, 2017

LA Hike!

LA Hike
On the 14th of January, we filled  our van up with young people and headed out toward Angeles National Forest for a hike!

                                                            We went to Ritter Ranch Loop......
                                                    Abigail , Lizette , Alejandra.
                                          Hiking down the mountain side......
                           Caytlin, Kelly, Abigail and Lizette.
                                                       Lizette and Caytlin
The weather was a little colder than we expected, so next time we will bring jackets! Hind sight is 20/20:)
It was a beautiful hike, though.
Here Palco is doing the Karate Kid pose
Ashley and Kelly

Sibling shot
group shot
Water aqueduct......
Afterwards all the young people were invited to Scott's for dinner and a sing
Katherine, Lizzy and Daniel helping prepare food
Barry (Kelly's younger brother) sautéing sausage

our food line
Scott made homemade chili and sausage with pasta,while the rest of us brought sides and desserts to share. Some of the young people brought our host some gifts. This apron was one of them. Afterwards Ashley played the piano for a time of singing, then Scott shared a little from the Word of God (The Holy Bible) and encouraged us that the ministry of waiting was something all Christians go through. It was really good.

 But to do good and to communicate forget not: for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.
                                                                                    Hebrews 13:16

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